Next Travel Plan – Tokyo


So, at this point it’s been 6 months since my last trip and I’m starting to get the travel itch. With luck, I found a global business conference in Tokyo that I simply MUST attend!

So, ok, I tend to be fairly cheap with my travel budget and I’m not about to spend $250/night to stay at the convention hotel. Yeah, yeah, but Thailand is a lot cheaper and I had more money to spend last time! I’ve booked a flight on United and a small (and in Tokyo small means small) room at a hotel nearby.

I’ll be in Tokyo late October so the weather may be getting a little cold. Us Southern California boys are not used to cold weather! The only place they should allow snow is in the woods and on the slopes. Why would you have it anywhere else?

I’m really looking forward to going back. I love the city and the action but to be honest, it does seem a little sterile. Movies are expensive…heck, everything is expensive! But it’s still a great place to visit, the food is great, the beer is very good, and the people are friendly.

Paul Bergman
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