Sun Valley Snowboarding


How should I start?

It was a cold winter night and the afternoon birds had nestled down for the night when Scott started talking about the old days and skiing every winter

ok, maybe not the best way to start this entry. I’ll just jump into the trip itself.

Idaho! First time for me and let me assure you the first time left me a little chilled! We landed in Boise which was a bad start to the trip. I’m sure it’s a great place but this night the wind was blowing snow across the tarmac like you wouldn’t believe. We weren’t even supposed to fly into Boise! Sun Valley was our original destination but their airport was closed so we were rerouted.

Well, a quick stop at McDonald’s and we were off driving to Sun Valley. Little did we know with the bad weather we would only make it to Mountain Home that night because all the roads were closed. That’s ok! It was an adventure! We all crammed into one hotel room for the night and I was OUT! (I hear that Sammy cried most of that night but I wouldn’t know. Thank God for my ability to sleep through anything!)

Tune in later for more details on this exciting and fun packed trip! You know where I’ll be. Right here waiting for you.

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